The Naaz and the Rokha were both just kicking-buckets to the other races in the galaxy until they teamed up. Now, as an unstoppable combination of brains and brawn, who are inexplicably interested in history and archaeology, the paired Naaz-Rokha have made themselves viable contenders for the next leaders of the galaxy.
With mouse-like stealth and cat-like swiftness, these duos are especially adept at sniffing out planets to find relics of lore and combine them into powerful artifacts. Part Indiana Jones, part Tom and Jerry, there discoveries are sure to lead them to be chosen as the next Heirs to Mecatol Rex. |
When you explore a planet with one of your Mech units, draw 2 exploration cards and select 1. FABRICATION: Action: Either purge 2 relic fragments of the same type to create a relic, OR purge 1 fragment to gain 1 command token. Both abilities are well-designed to help the Naaz-Rokha rule in the finding of Relics and creation of Artifacts. An easy element of the game for this faction to dominate! |
2 Carriers
1 Destroyer 2 Fighters 1 Mech 3 Infantry 1 Space dock Even better than the coveted 2c4i (2 Carrier 4 infantry) start, because they get a Mech thrown in the mix! STARTING TECHPsychoarchaeology
AI Development Algorithms |
AGENTI really like this one. These guys are already mad explorers, and this lets them explore an already-explored planet. Or, kindly let a friend do it!
HEROAmazing. Not only do you get a free relic, using the Secondary of any two Strategy cards is brilliant, and you don't waste any tokens from your command pool!
COMMANDERAgain, breaking the standard exploration rules. And as a permanent ability., EVERY TIME you take a planet from someone, you get a card!
Unlock by having Mechs in 3 systems. MECHThe only Mech so far that has 2 sides! Start with this side up. If it's being transported, it can be used as a ship!
Once the battle is over, the Eidolon goes back to its perch, ready for an Invasion!